University College London
In 2017, University College London (UCL) appointed Turnberry to assist in the preparation of a long-term estate strategy in support of the University’s academic mission and vision. The purpose of this exercise is to help the University understand the strength and weaknesses of its campus and to plot how the physical estate can support its strategic objectives.
The first phase of the commission involved a programme of intensive data and evidence gathering, in which Turnberry canvassed the opinions of several of the University’s senior academics and Vice-Provosts and reviewed key spatial datasets. From this basis, we established the key successes and inefficiencies of the estate, and, in turn, produced a series of guiding principles and high-level objectives to guide the University’s future estate strategy.
In early 2018, Turnberry was re-appointed for phase II of the commission – the development of the detailed estates strategy. This looks to determine the exigencies of the estate and how these needs can best be met while also looking ahead to the renewal of the University’s capital programme from 2022 onwards.